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“Listening” – A poem on change by Ketan Varia


Listen to the wise and foolish,
listen to the experienced and the novice.

Dwell on, and check your thoughts,
doubts, questions, let them swell.

The listening followed by a pause,
will provide nothing or everything.

Act on what comes up,
discard forever everything else.

Failure comes when ears are closed,
open those canals and get to your goal.


TRIZ in Transformation

TRIZ is a Russian innovation and product design process, which can be effectively used in transformative change process and change management. It helps remove the constraints that hinder innovation and get completely original solutions. As a process it treats the problems and contradictions as part of the system and operates accordingly. TRIZ as a transformation tool first identifies where the contradiction exists in the system. Then in trying to meet both elements of the contradiction it searches for freely available resources that can resolve the paradox. Considering these resources, it becomes much easier to find an innovative solution to the problem.


“Being a Coach” – A poem on change by Ketan Varia

Being a coach

Just because you have tasted success,
it doesn’t mean there isn’t another way.

Just because you can see the pitfalls,
don’t forget the learning from them.

Only advise when you are clear,
that two points of understanding need joining,
otherwise move along.

For the path the way to change,
can only be discovered by the self.


“Sea Change” – A poem on change management by Jeewan Ramlugun

Sea change

There is calm and order
on deck,
restfulness below,
dove of peace on the prow.

But turbulence is in the nature
of the vast wet expanse;
so,the helmsman must peer
far ahead to spot tumult
on the way.

If worst fears are confirmed,
an about-turn is done
and a safer course plotted.

Destinations may be set
but the ways there
need to be negotiable,
all aboard being agreeable-
not to rise in mutiny from fear.

So captain, ring the bell and tell
one and all it will be well.

©Jeewan Ramlugun

22 April 2016