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“Being a Coach” – A poem on change by Ketan Varia

Being a coach

Just because you have tasted success,
it doesn’t mean there isn’t another way.

Just because you can see the pitfalls,
don’t forget the learning from them.

Only advise when you are clear,
that two points of understanding need joining,
otherwise move along.

For the path the way to change,
can only be discovered by the self.


WHO WAS DOING THAT? Using RACI to clarify ownership

WHO WAS DOING THAT? Using RACI to clarify ownership

“You told me that the team was empowered and decided to set several objectives in the transformational programme! Now people seems to be blaming each other not meeting them!” These words could belong to a director talking to his head of transformation.


Why Continuous Review Creates Sustainable Change

Oil tankers barge through the sea to their destination, with little regard for the journey. Don’t let your organisation run like an oil tanker – continuously self-assess, and learn from your mistakes and opportunities, instead of risking an oil spill.